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В нашей компании вы можете выбрать и купить R&S®SMW-K116 DVB-S2 / DVB-S2X, а также другие запчасти от
компании Rohde & Schwarz с доставкой по всей России, в том числе в ваш город : Дублин. Для запроса цен, сроков поставки
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Key facts- Fully encoded DVB-S2 and DVB-S2X signal generation
- Support of transport stream (TS), generic packetized (GP), generic continuous (GC), generic stream encapsulated high efficiency mode
- Signal generation form arbitrary data sources and TS or GSE files
- Maximum symbol rate of up to 600 MHz
- Channel coding according to the standard, incl. scrambling, interleaving, outer code (BCH), inner code (LDPC) with varying code rates from 1/4 to 31/45
- Support of all specified Walsh-Hadamard sequences for VL-SNR (very low signal to noise ratio) mode
- Configurable header information, incl. baseband (BB) header, VL-SNR header, TS header, GSE header
- Supported modulation schemes:
- For DVB-S2: QPSK, 8PSK, 16APSK, 32APSK
- For DVB-S2X: QPSK, 8APSK, 8PSK, 16APSK, 32APSK, 64APSK, 128APSK, 256APSK
- For VL-SNR: QPSK, pi/2 BPSK
- Pilot insertion and configuration
- Signals suitable for testing of satellite transponders, components and ground modems
Brief description The R&S®SMW200A Vector Signal Generator is the ideal tool for DVB-S2 / DVB-S2X physical layer testing. By means of the R&S®SMW-K116 option, the R&S®SMW200A flexibly generates customized DVB-S2 / DVB-S2X signals. DVB-S2 is the common standard for providing TV program from satellites to millions of homes. The physical parameters of the signals are defined to ideally fit the satellite to ground links. Thus the DVB-S2 modulation scheme is not only used for TV broadcast but also for many other professional satellite data services for enterprises, in-flight entertainment, maritime, military and government applications. With DVB-S2X as the newest version higher order modulation schemes are added to increase the data rate in a given frequency band. The standard TV transmission is in the Ku band and other satellite links using the same physical layer are typically in the Ka band. Both are directly addressed with the microwave frequency options of the R&S®SMW200A up to 40 GHz. With the high RF bandwidth of the R&S®SMW200A, DVB-S2 symbol rates up to 600 Msps can be addressed. Flexible multicarrier generation allows transponder load generation with multiple signals for stress testing a complete satellite frontend with up to 2 GHz of bandwidth by summing up multiple channels.''
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